The Curious Leaf: Voyage to the Sea 004

TCL#2 CoverThe sight made Kya want to run and scream, cry and rage, hide and forget. Instead, she took a tentative step forward.

Then another.

And another.

“May I?” she asked, holding out her hand. Though she had been a flower of repute so small that she’d only mattered to her keeper, the greenlife and knowing was stored deep within her roots—for all that she’d left them behind for a pair of wings and a beautiful ship.

The sea gave Kya a wary look, a wounded creature that would bite the hand trying to mend and heal, like as not. But she couldn’t think of teeth right now—no matter how fierce or sharp. All she could focus on was the pain of the sea’s wound.

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The Curious Leaf: Voyage to the Sea 002

TCL#2 CoverKya watched with horror. Her wings were soaked, and even if she could fly, they would become little more than tatters of color streaming out from her back in a storm such as this.

She reached out as a streak of silver went tumbling past her, and managed to catch hold of it before Hearthorne fell away. She cradled the bowl to her chest and looked desperately for a place to wait out the storm. Now that she wasn’t holding on to anything, she fell and tumbled with the motions of the ship and the storm until Kya wasn’t sure which way was up or down.

Eventually, she made it to the small hatch on the deck. The door had come open, and was straining at its hinges as it flapped in the wind. Clutching Hearthorne, Kya half fell, half climbed her way down the ladder.

Water boiled up to her calves when she splashed to the bottom, and she wrinkled her nose against the stench of the saltwater.

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The Curious Leaf: Voyage to the Sea 001

TCL#2 CoverKya stood at the helm of The Curious Leaf, her face drawn and pensive as she stared out into a sea of charcoal clouds.

“You’re afraid,” Hearthorne said from her silver pot.

“I don’t like the look of these clouds,” Kya said. As if to underscore her words, a strand of lightning flashed in the distance. The clouds grumbled peevishly among themselves, ready and mutinous.

“Have a little faith. It would take more than a mere storm to sink a faerie vessel.” Hearthorne gazed out at the sky with open appreciation. She had always loved the moments leading up to a good storm—when the air fizzed with the magic of the sylphs and storm sprites. “But I wasn’t talking about the storm.”

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The Curious Leaf Book 2: Voyage to the Sea

Happy Monday!

I hope you’re enjoying the journey so far. 🙂 Now that we’ve finished with the moon, it’s time to move on. But before we go, I just want to mention that I’ll be leaving The Voyage to the Moon up in the archives so you can come back and read whenever you’d like. I’ll also be releasing it soon on Amazon, et al. soon for $0.99 as a standalone. If you’d like to read it now with the convenience of your ereader/device, you can always hit the Send to Kindle button at the bottom of each post or read it and other moon related short stories in Moon Curiosities.

Today I’d like to announce the second book in *The Curious Leaf serial: Voyage to the Sea. We’ll leave the moon behind completely (for a time) and turn our faces toward the sea beginning Monday, September 7, 2015.

TCL#2 Cover

In the meantime, please continue to enjoy the other current serials:

The Faerie Thief: The Garden on Tuesdays

Mira Morganstein: The Pink Lemonade Club on Wednesdays

Secrets of the UnderWhere on the occasional Thursdays. (More on this in a bit.)

As we’re starting a new book, please feel free to leave any feedback you have. I’m constantly tweaking things so as to give you the best reading experience I can. How is the length for the weekly installment? Too long? Too short? Just right? Do you have any particular places you’d like the crew of The Curious Leaf to venture forth and explore?

*The Voyage to the Sea installment was originally published in Saltwater Curiosities, © 2014. All rights reserved.

I hope you’re enjoying the journey so far. The moon is one of my favorite storyscapes, and I’m sorry to leave it behind just as we were becoming acquainted. But never fear, we will return. Someday. In the meantime, please continue to enjoy the current serials Tuesday-Thursday. Journey forth, brave Wonder-kin, for the next adventure awaits!

If this is your first time visiting, check out the first installment of this voyage and swing by the library to read The Curious Leaf for free if this is the first time you’ve met Kya or Hearthorne.

Come back tomorrow to journey with Gwyn as she fights her way through the Garden in The Faerie Thief.

Happy Monday!

The Curious Leaf: Voyage to the Moon 010

TCL CoverThe new queen gave her a smile like the edge of a knife, bright and shining and ever so sharp. “For the same reason you had to give up your roots to sprout wings. To have one, you must give up the other. Not all dearest dreams are willing to share.”

The queen turned and sat on her throne, her hair white and her gown silver once more. “It is a cruel fate, but one that all creatures share if they only dare to look.”

Kya looked down at the perfect moon apple that glimmered with a quiet light. If what the Moon Queen said was true, then she held perhaps the rarest and most dragonish of treasures in her hand. And the dragon himself had given her not one, but three. Entrusted them to her care.

And the seeds!

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